Saturday, December 03, 2005

Natural History Museum

Back in December we visited the National History Museum with our friend from Perth - Bernie, Bruce, and kids.

Big bugs in this place.

Lots of birds in one glass cabinet all stuck with pins.

Nic and Jes and massive escalator.

The escalator again leading up to a sci-fi world.

Nic and his friend Eligh from Perth.

Umm, a plant, not much more to say but I'm sure its rare and historical...and all that

Umm and orange sculpture of some sort.

Inside the Nat Hist Museum.

Well mum, that was lunch, whats for desert?

An ancient rock of some sort, I took this one.

And it was xmas time of course, a massive tree in a store off Regent Street.

Another display inside a store on Regent Street.

Nic b/w

A collage of the whole day.Posted by Picasa


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